Wednesday 23 October 2013

Art of the Title

Art of the Title

1) What is the definition of a Title Sequence? 
A title sequence is the words of a film and the people who are involved behind the scenes in making the film.

2) What is the function of a Title Sequence? 
The whole function of a title sequence is to inform the audience who is involved in the film and also the name of it in the most eye catching way possible.

3) Name three films featured in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence? 
Film 1- Pink Panther
Film 2- Star Wars
Film 3- Anatomy of a murder

4) Select a film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result? 
The Pink Panther opening sequence uses pink text to link into the title of the film. You see a Panther that is coloured pink going against the natural colour of panthers which are black. This also is suggested in the title. As the Panther is pink and also an animation it gives a feel good feeling as it isn't taken to seriously and you can have a laugh.

5)What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? 
The text in an opening sequence can tell you a lot about the film you are about to watch. For example as the text is pink and has an animated panther coloured pink next to it, it suggests the films going to be a comedy rather than a horror.

6)Select another film Title Sequence shown in the A Brief History of the Art of the Title Sequence and discuss how the Title Sequence uses Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements and what kind of mood/feeling is created as a result?
King Kong's text is all block writing with sharp edges. There is no colour or any animations as a result of this you can tell that the film isn't going to be a comedy. It gives an unsettling mood that makes you want to carry on and find out what the films all about. 

7) What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? 
The title gives a dark and eerie mood suggesting that the theme and content of the film is not going to be one of a comedy aspect. More than likely going to be a form of adventure or horror.

8) Name of 1st chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison. And Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling.
Sweeney Todd- The mood given off is very down and spooky. This is achieved as the writing is all in  the colour red with a dark background suggesting a horror. Then you see blood pouring down from surface to surface making the link to death.

9) What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? 
In Sweeney Todd the vision aspect is very dull and dangerous. This is because of the blood and old industrial revolution machines in the background. The music adds to this dull mood as it is not upbeat at all. It suggests the film is either a horror or action.

10) What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence? 
Morrison quotes that 'industry is very specific' which gives off the industrial revolution setting. He also quoted 'Animating blood and its movement became the most crucial and challenging element of the sequence. We had to build special platforms within which we imitated blood movement and filmed it.'This just shows how much effort and time goes into the top industry making their films as best as they can be.

11)Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not? Name of 2nd chosen Film Title Sequence created by Richard Morrison: Use of Typography Elements (text): Use of Visual Imagery/Sound Elements: Mood/feeling.
In High Fidelity I feel that Morrison did not use the film titles successfully as I still do not have a clue what the film is really about! 
The music at the start was effective however after that when it cut to the man it was really confusing. The mood given off in this opening sequence is upbeat. A reason for this is because of the music being played at the start. Also because of this it gives off the feeling of 70s America. The font was on a cartoon or a CD cover suggesting this film could be musical based.

12) What does the use of Typography Elements (text), Visual Imagery/Sound Elements in the chosen film Title Sequence suggest about the theme/content of the film? 
The images were typical of a stereotypical American guy lazing around a chair listening to music. That is all i can take from the titles as personally i found them really unclear to suggest what the film was going to be about.

13)What does Richard Morrison explain about the Film Title Sequence? 
Morrison quoted 'When working on this sequence I kept three notions in mind: make it original, simple, and distinctive enough.' I feel this is why I didn't get it as there seems to be a lack of detail that went into it.

14) Does Richard Morrison feel the Film Title Sequence was successful, why or why not? 
Morrison felt that his work was successful as although it looked simple it wasn't because of the timing so therefore it was a success according to him.

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