Tuesday 28 January 2014

Question 7

Question 7
This is an example of James' title for his prelim task. His film had the genre of action which is similar to ours now, but you can see the font is very absurd for a film. Also, the font is not completely central. The title is also on a black background, which is boring and not imaginative.

Divided's title was completely central, along with a plain colouring, which fitted with the rest of our titles. It floated onto the screen, like it was in the waves instead of being steady, with a transition going out as well.

This is another clip from James prelim, focusing on the camerawork. This film used some zoom to focus on the penguin. Zoom looks unprofessional and is avoided.

In our film, we avoided using zoom. Instead we had a still camera with the actor moving closer to the camera. This looks more professional than using a zoom. It also creates some tension by being far away, as if it is mysterious.
This is a shot from Sarah and I's prelim task called Timeout. In this shot we have a very similar panning shot, moving along the wall before it opens up to the classroom. It's all done by freehand which makes the camera shaky as it moves.
In our real production, the pneulitmate shot is a pan around the woodlands. For this shot, we had a tripod set up with the camera on top. This created a steady shot which stayed level throughout. The shot was like it was from Christopher's point of view.

Also, the music we used in both prelim tasks weren't transitioned as well as in our final task. The final task had music fading in and out, and it built the tension well, working in tangent with the pace of the scene. In my prelim, we used real songs as a voiceover for the protagonists. However, they were not dubbed very well nor did they have transitions in or out. This doesn't create a very professional production.

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