Tuesday 3 December 2013

Shooting Schedule and Prop List

Divided Shooting Schedule

Here is our shooting schedule that we are planning to follow resulting in our filming flowing as smooth as it possibly can. 

Day 1:

Location: Galleywood Common: morning to mid-afternoon (10am-2pm) – Shot numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16, 17. Actors needed = Sarah, Dom, James. Props = Hoodie, and rope.

Sarah’s house afternoon (3pm-5pm) - Shot numbers, 14, 15. Actors needed = Megan. Props needed = Leaves, bath, make-up.

James’ house evening (6pm-7pm) - Shot numbers 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 18, 21. Actors needed = James. Props needed = Bed.

Day 2:

Location: Galleywood Common: mid-morning to afternoon (12pm-2pm) - Shot numbers 8,9,11. Actors needed = Hattie. Props = Rose basket.
Added Props
  • Rope
  • Leaves
  • Bath
  • Axe
  • Rose Petals

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